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Dicta Ugbah is a writer, resilience coach and mental health advocate. She loves to pass essential messages through stories. She loves seeing people happy and tries to make everyone around her feel alive. On Dec 25th 2013, she had just finished having Christmas dinner with her family when she logged into Facebook and saw a self-condemning suicidal post by a young man whom she had never met before that day.

She sent him a private message encouraging him to take the status down and gave him reasons to live …It made her happy knowing she could save a life, even from a distance, with just kind words. She believes the world would be a better place if we love one another.

She founded the Dicta Care initiative in 2017 through the support of her family and has since been spreading love through her charitable works. She believes in equality, love, peace and respect. Her Quote, “The moment you realise you are not better than anybody and nobody is better than you, that is when you truly live.” can be explained to mean we should treat everyone respectfully with love, putting it at the back of our mind that we are all Equal, have the same rights and should receive the same level of respect and have the same access to opportunities. She was fondly called ONYINYE BU OBIOMA by her late sister, Ada Kanayo Ugbah. Thus, she decided to name her charity organisation Dicta Care Initiative, where she spreads love.